Maronica Brown - Department Chair
Business Marketing
Teachers for Tomorrow
Fashion Marketing
Sports & Entertainment Marketing
Digital & Social Media Marketing
Charrod Burton
Personal Finance
William Milby
Digital Applications
Computer Information Systems
Design Multimedia Web Technologies
Jason Smith |
Virtual Learning
Game Design & Development
Game Design & Development Advanced
Digital Visualation
Dual Enrollment Digital Media Technology
Cybersecurity Fundamentals
Marde Snyder
Independent Living
Family Relations
Hospitality & Tourism
Career and Technical Education (CTE) is the starting point for any career! Whether you are headed to a four-year college, two-year college, the military, or straight into the workforce, Career and Technical Education Programs of Study at EHS can help you with any path you choose.
The CTE Programs of Study at EHS enhance academic learning experiences and allow students to explore career options, prepare for industry standards in the workplace, and provide leadership development through participation in CTE student organizations. CTE student organizations offered at EHS include Future Business Leaders of American (FBLA) and Family Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA).
Industry Certifications, which are now a graduation requirement, are offered through EHS' CTE department. At the high school, students may obtain MOS (Microsoft Office Suite) Certification, Wise Financial Literacy Certification, and Workplace Readiness Skills for the Commonwealth Certification (CTECS). In addition to the CTE offerings at EHS, students may take CTE classes, other certifications, industry credentialing, and state board exams at the Northern Neck Technical Center.
Career and Technical Education Course Description
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